It probably seems like I dropped off the face of the earth. In a sense I kind of did, at least metaphorically. Since climbing in Mexico, I've spent some time helping my buddies finish the construction of the climbing wall at Sticks & Stones; done alot of hoursework, and made yet another attempt to summit Diamond Peak's East Ridge during the winter.
My friend, Keith Larson, who has joined me on Diamond before, commented that after spending 2 days skiing 6 miles towards the base and six miles back out, "I now understand the difficulties of climbing in the Lemhis during the winter!"
Keith decided that making a winter approach in the Lemhi's was such a daunting task, that he needed to head to Norway and spend some time working as a dog sled guide to recuperate.
Three weeks ago I had a series of surgeries to fix my nose (from the multiple times it has been broken), drill out my sinuses, remove my tonsills and hopefully cure my affinity for strepthroat infections.
Although the surgery went well, I blew an artery in my throat that landed me back in the OR for another surgery to repair the broken artery. I lost nearly 1 liter of blood (that's 1/3 of my total blood supply) and the Surgeon attributed the fact that I didn't need a blood transfusion to my high-altitude climbing!
Now I'm back in the game, for the most part, and anxious to get back on the ice. The end of this week will find me climbing at the Cody Ice Festival in Cody, Wyoming with Dean, Scott, Mike and Chad. Stay tuned for updates and some cool photos.
Be sure to leave some comments and let me know what you do or don't like about the blog. If there's something you'd like to read about or see added, just let me know.
In the meantime, get out there and create your own ultimate expedition - life!
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